Sue Hodson

caret-down caret-up caret-left caret-right

“I did the pre-primary class with my littlies yesterday and today and it worked beautifully! They were so much more focused and engaged! One little girl said:" Phew! That was hard, but it was such fun!" I really enjoyed teaching the steps and they felt just like ballerinas! Even my large class was well-behaved!

Thank you sooo much for all you've put into putting this curriculum together and for sowing it into our lives! I so appreciate all you have done for me!”

Sue Hodson South Africa

Tamsyn Mqwati

“Just thought I'd let you know that the students that I am teaching Living Dance to at the moment absolutely love it! As I have been teaching it, I have come to realize (even though I held it in high regard at the beginning), that it truly is a worthy and very well thought-out syllabus - I am so happy to be associated with it.”

Tamsyn Mqwati Graduate WAAPA, Perth WA


“I just had to let you know that last week I had a revelation or light bulb moment with the curriculum. I saw how it works together now and realised that the exercises are just so clever! I applaud your work!!!!! It's beginning to click now why certain steps are put in specific places. I am sooooo excited and continue to absolutely enjoy teaching. Living Dance has brought back a love for teaching I thought I had lost, I am so happy :-))))))))))))))))))”

Janine Felt Principal of JaBat Dance Inc.

Johanna Elphinstone

“I read your website and I totally agree with every word. Looking forward to training seminar in Switzerland.”

Johanna Elphinstone Founder of JEMS Movement program, Dance Physiotherapist & Trainer of Physiotherapists — Wales, UK

Sam Hodson

“First off: thank you so much for the wonderful inspiration you were to Sue in Switzerland! She has come back home overflowing with ideas and with a renewed/refreshed spark in her spirit! I appreciate it greatly!”

Sam Hodson (Sue's Husband) South Africa

Monique Saywell

“I have used the syllabus the past two weeks and it is just wonderful! The students have loved it. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

It is such a relief to go to class with lessons planned, exercises organised in a logical manor and allow my thinking to turn to the other projects the students can be involved in, church and end of year concert.

I am so thankful the knowledge that you shared with us and I look forward to seeing you soon and chatting with you about how you do things. I have connected in with many people who are passionate about not over-sexualising children but rather to allow them to reflect grace and beauty. These conversations have allowed me to see the importance in choosing music, costuming, dance uniform wisely and with thought. Also being mindful at things we perform at. Thank you for starting this process of refining my own thinking.”

Monique Saywell South Australia — Dance Graduate, Tabor College Adelaide

Lilli Wilkinson

“Had our first of the two trial lessons on Monday - it went so well! :) I have 12 children registered for classes for next term. The Mum's gave me some lovely feedback on the content of the class and the approach. They said, 'This is what we have been looking for!!' So congratulations again on your wonderful curriculum.  I sooooooo enjoyed teaching :) 

Just received this email from one of the parents of the little girls who came on Monday. Very encouraging!! :)

'Also, I wanted to let you know how thrilled I was with your dance class! My husband I had reservations about having her take dance lessons for the reasons you outlined in your brochures. But she was so keen! As Christian parents we didn't want her exposed to anything that was not wholesome and positive for her development. So I was most interested to sit in and find out how you approached things. You can imagine my delight in discovering your dance philosophy not only addressed these concerns but that it was based on Christian values and was even set to Christian music! I believe you and your family will be a wonderful blessing to our community and our children. Thank you for your passion and enthusiasm!'”

Lilli Wilkinson LDI Dance Teacher NSW


“We have a home schooled teenage female student who had to leave a local primary (elementary) school due to bullying. She was extremely shy. We have seen her blossom with performance confidence on stage. In her dance mime in Grade 3 Classical Ballet ‘Learning to Skate’ (where the bully realises her behaviour is no fun and makes friends instead) she actually played the role of the bully.”



A mother of a 3 year old student (in Pre Dance) has commented that she greatly values a local dance school where she doesn’t have to travel distances to get to her daughter’s dance lessons with a baby sibling. Her 3 year old daughter just loves ballet and when told that her ballet teacher eats all her vegetables at dinner time promptly ate up all her carrots at the evening meal!
